Which is also a type of cannabis concentrate, lol
Rosin and resin are different things. The main difference is the method of extraction.
Well blow me down, I didn’t know about that.
pfp checks out
Rosin, I think
Alternative hint: “Johnny _____ up your bow and play your fiddle hard.” From The Devil Went Down To Georgia
Solo Time: nannnannaeeeerrr naw nanaeeer nNannnnnnaaaawweeeerrrnnnannnwwweerrrr ddddddrrreeeeeeeeeenanannananannanaaeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeeewweeweerrrerrrrrteeeeeeeee^f
Yup it’s rosin. I did this puzzle earlier today.
You got it
Huh. Til.
Don’t smoke rosin, it’s carcinogenic
I’d be worried about anyone smoking the rosins used in orchestra
Violinist here.
Violins make sound by dragging the bow (stretched horse hair) over a string, causing the string to vibrate. At the micro level, the bow pulls the string to one side using friction, until the tension on the string pulls it back - this happens hundreds of times per second, and forms the basis of the sound we hear. Horse hair is slippery by default. To create the necessary tension violinists apply a small amount of solidified tree resin by wiping a piece along the length of the bow. This piece of hardened resin has the same approximate texture as glass or hard candy, and is called rosin.
Do you heat it to apply it?
No. It comes in pucks or small blocks and you simply draw the bow across it or pass the rosin up and down the length of the bow a few times and that’s usually enough. Too much rosin can gum up the bow.
That’s cool, pretty similar to archery then
But what kind of drugs do you like?
Why not use a fiber that’s not not stretchy, and also not smooth? How would using a synthetic fiber affect the sound?
Originally? Probably lack of options. These days the aim of the game is sounding “like a violin”, so naturally there’s very little innovation in violin technology.
Lmao nice
(Rosin, if you’re serious)
It depends on the violinist, Sherlock Holmes liked cocaine lol
Just out of curiosity what app is this?
It’s the NYT Mini
Thank you!
It’s the NYT’s mini crossword puzzle
Thank you!
Nigel Kennedy could probably list a dozen
deleted by creator
I knew a heroin player once and he was pretty onto violins.