Scored the Ratchet & Clank Collection for PS3 on Ebay this week, cannot wait to play
I just started tears of the kingdom a few days ago.
Oh man, what I wouldn’t give to be able to experience TotK for the first time again. You’re in for a great time. :)
We’ll see you in a few weeks mate.
I finally played through it earlier this year, well worth the wait.
Super Mario Sunshine, going for my first 100%
Is it patience if I’ve already played it? The wife and I are running through metal gear solid 3 after beating 2. PS3 emulator is snappy and the metal gear HD collection is pretty good!
Maybe metal gear solid peace walker can count as patient, as I haven’t played that yet.
PS3 emulator is snappy
RPCS3 is a great emulator! They can be a pain to set up or tweak for performance but that one in particular is a very smooth experience.
Having some trouble getting peace walker going on the emulator. Not a lot of issues to find while searching either. Bazzite on either AMD or Intel with Nvidia GPUs.
So in the meantime, we have dusted off the PS3 to use my mgs4 disc hah!
civ6! ive never played civilization before, but my kid says its great and it was on sale for 3$
If you don’t enjoy it, don’t discount the franchise. Personally I prefer civ 4 over civ 6, and civ 4 has the bonuses of 1) being the only video game to ever win a Grammy award and 2) extensive voice work by Leonard Nimoy
I liked 5 because a few large cities (going tall) was way more viable, which I prefer over making tons of little cities (going wide).
I’ll back up that Civ 4 has been the best entry in the series so far.
Civ 5 is when they dropped unit stacking, which made combat much slower and more finicky since you couldn’t just build up a massive deathball and tear across the map, and Civ 6 doubled down on that design space by tying city upgrades to individual tiles as well. They’re not bad changes, and they do add more strategic depth to the combat and city-building, but they do make an already slow game substantially slower, since combats that used to be done in a turn or two now require several turns of rotating and repositioning units to get them in and out of the fight.
Civ 4 was the last “pure” civ experience, building off and adding to the previous games without sweeping mechanical changes to shake up the meta.
what did you not like about 6?
Too clunky and slow paced for me compared to previous installments. Also not a huge fan of how the different victory conditions/requirements were balanced compared to older games. They just crammed too many new mechanics in there for the game to flow like it used to.
thanks! ill try 4 if 6 seems annoying with those characteristics
I’ll be heading back to the Zone with one of the STALKER games in order to satisfy the craving I got from the STALKER 2 previews recently. I’m leaning towards Clear Sky as I’ve played SoC and CoP much more.
Ugh yeah that’s tempting to reinstall once again. Last time I did the Call of Chernobyl mod which combines all three game maps and was pretty awesome. I hear Anomaly is really good too.
As much as I appreciate the modding scene for STALKER, I’m a whore for the vanilla experience. I fired up Anomaly and it seemed awesome, but I wanted the familiar beats of the original. One of these days I’ll give it a proper try.
Got the first Moving Out game on supersale and my kids are loving it. I’m always on the lookout for coup coöp games to play with them.
Just started Skyrim, first playthrough. Full weekend tho for this dad. Not as much free time as in my 20s.
I am on a quest to play through all of the classic FPS. So I will put some time in Doom64.
I started Red Faction Guerrilla (Steam Edition) a couple of weeks ago. Solid game from 2009. Though the game world does feel a bit empty.
“WTF You killed your brother!!??”
I have seen credits on that game probably three times since it’s launch. Anytime they release it on a new platform I instinctively snap it up.
I do agree that the world feels pretty empty, but it is Mars in their defense. The gameplay loop is so good though. And sometimes there’s no better feeling than grabbing a sledgehammer and leveling a building.
Hopefully you’re able to make it through! There’s a little bit of variety introduced to the environment around the half to three quarter mark.
Jak 2 (OpenGOAL) on the pre-owned Steam Deck I bought on Tuesday. Just very excited to be playing PS2 games on a portable device.
I think I should pick up a city builder, but not decided between Skylines 2, Manor Lords, or ???
Cities Skylines 1
Better than 2
especially now that all dlc is out and we have a complete and mature game
maybe 2 will be this good in another 6 years
Reviews for Skylines 2 are Mixed, which suggests you should play Manor Lords (Very Positive).
i like it but i feel it still needs a bit more time.
workers and resources is a nice game in this general style.
I watched a quick trailer for Workers and Resources and the part focusing on a bus driving made me think of a head-in-the-clouds fantasy cool thing:
a city builder game. Click on a truck driving through to switch to a driving sim (think American/Euro Truck Simulator), on a train to a train sim, on a bus to a bus sim… Click on a person walking on the street and you get a The Sims-like interface and get the ability to switch into that game mode. And even though this is probably highly unrealistic and already too much, so why am I even thinking about scope, you could limit scope by locking to just this one city. Any vehicle routes out of the city have the vehicle disappear when you get to the city border. Sims already limited itself to one town/city, do that the same way.
After reading a few reviews for W&R apparently it scratches both a Transport Tycoon-type itch and regular city builder itches, so sort of like my above idea—a few games in one. Apparently it can be micromanagey, which appeals to me when I’m in a certain kind of mood.
simcity 4 had some limited click on a car to control it mechanics with the rush hour expansion
you could sorta follow individual sims too, it was cool.
Still spreading managed democracy in Helldivers 2. Waiting for the Elden Ring DLC to land though!
That’s not very patient gamer of you lol
I’m about to leave town for the weekend so missing out on most of the new patch. Hope you dispense some liberty on my behalf!
Elden Ring FINALLY clicked for me. I bought it on launch (not very patient of me, and I recognized it as a “great” game but for a variety of reasons just wasn’t for me. Im replaying it like a lot of people have been and I actually specced my person correctly and its a lot more fun now. Maybe I can experiment with other eventually but a balanced build has been so nice.
SKALD is also high on my list.
I still waffle on elden ring. I love it, but man do I hate certain parts when I’m trying out different ‘ideas’ I have. My second character used the holy wrist blades thing, and boy was
the final boss a removed until I figured out what I was doing wrong.