• pete_the_cat@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Sand is also hot as fuck especially during the summer. I’m from New Jersey and I’m used to the sand being really hot on the beach during the late summer, to the point that you can barely stand on it.

    I went down to South Florida during August and standing on the sand in bare feet was like standing on hot coals.

    Edit: rereading this reminded me that even standing on the concrete outside of the pool in early August was unbearable. I initially didn’t wear my sandals out because the entrance to the pool area from our hotel was like 100 feet and it was like 15-20 feet from the door to the water. BIG MISTAKE. It was probably the same temperature as the sand. I wouldn’t doubt that the sand was 130F.

    This article about South Beach said the said was 137F this August, around the time I was down there