If you look here:
Bill Gates is only the 5th richest.
…but the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has an endowment total of $75.2 billion.
So, his wealth ($149 billion) + foundation ($75 billion) = $224 billion.
So, my question is…can he spend that foundation money any way he wants instead of spending his personal money? If he wants a jet can he just use the foundation money? If so, then he is still the richest person in the world even though he does not get labeled as such in the news anymore.
You have to employ some reading comprehension before you type out a response.
Everyone already knows he has not been the richest for awhile. Read the post title and the text in the body to understand the point that was trying to be conveyed.
He has his personal wealth and in addition to that he is in charge of an additional $75 billion.
Answer is still no. The foundation money isn’t technically his personal money. Which is why it’s not counted as part of his personal wealth. The link to the foundation page you yourself linked to has this information, too… Something something reading comprehension.
I know it’s not counted as a part of his personal wealth. You have missed the whole point. Whoosh!