From the article:

“…two new studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine shed further light on the profound toll of COVID-19 on cognitive health.” And in other studies cases “with mild to moderate COVID-19 showed significant prolonged inflammation of the brain and changes that are commensurate with seven years of brain aging.”

      7 months ago

      Sure… but the “friend” is regurgitating that it’s specifically the spike protein that was found in these areas. I can find plenty of articles about finding the spike protein in various parts of the body cause that happens with catching covid. I haven’t found an article saying they’ve found spike proteins associated with the vaccine specifically. This is nowhere near convincing enough for him cause the evil gubment could suppress that or some stupid bullshit.

      He also pushed the claim the infamous “they” said the “spike protein wouldn’t leave the delts”. For this I imagine it was the vaccine itself that wouldn’t leave the muscle but that says nothing of the spike proteins induced by the vaccine.

      So the overarching questions are of they can actually tell the difference in the spike proteins found in other parts of the body? If that’s possible, is that something employed? I could see it being possible, but maybe not done normally for reasons (too expensive to just test for every time or no need to tell the difference). And lastly, was the claim ever pushed that the spike proteins in response to the vaccine wouldn’t leave the arm/delt/muscle?

          7 months ago

          Finding covid’s spike protein in someone means that they currently have or are recovering from a covid infection. Finding covid’s spike protein in someone does not mean anything about their vaccination status.

          So a recently vaxxed person that’s never had covid would not have any trace of a spike protein?

          If that’s what you’re saying I’d love a source. The “friend” prolly won’t read it, but I’ll at least peruse it and file it away for the inevitable next time he drops this claim.