• Mrkawfee@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    You mean the Green Prince? That guy is a douchebag who will say anything for attention.

    The most humane army in the world has killed more children in 4 weeks than have died in war zones since 2020. The most humane army drops bombs in refugee camps killing hundreds of innocents to eliminate one combatant. It uses explosive weapons against hospitals and suffocates premature babies by denying supplies in violation of the Geneva convention.

    • Guydht@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      “This guy with an absolutely more valid point of view doesn’t agree with me so he’s a douchebag” Sure. Ok. Whatever.

      And comparing this Gaza war with the rest of the world’s conflicts is just absurd. No war in recent times has been with so many civilians around legitimate military targets, and that makes this war impossible to win without casualties. Not to mention almost half of Gaza are children, so that data is also heavily skewed.

      That same “refugee camp” was heavily populated by Hamas terrorists, which were located there for decades, in concrete buildings. Calling it an innocent refugee camp for the poor and helpless is a loooong stretch after what’s been done in 7/10.

      Premature babies are evacuated by the IDF when they arrive at the hospital.

      And the geneva convention clearly states that deliberately fighting from civilian infrastructure is a violation of the geneva convention, and that once such a case has been made, that same infrastructure is a valid military target. No one cares when Hamas grossly and admittedly break the geneva convention because they’re the poor side.

      • Mrkawfee@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        “Impossible to win”

        Yep that’s sums it up. There’s no military solution to what Israel is doing unless it involves ethnic cleansing and genocide, which based on the dehumanizing statements of Israel’s politicians, officers and religious extremists in addition to the war crimes it’s carrying out in Gaza by bombing hospitals, schools and refugee camps, is quite likely. There are millions of Palestinians without rights or self determination. Israel wants to keep them in ghettos forever.

        This deliberate destruction of urban areas by the Israeli army is policy as you probably already know.
