The whole graffiti a Swasticar/Nazicar thing seems to be generated by some Cambridge Analytica group busying people with fighting amongst each other to take the aggression out caused by the govt., rather than spending time on other more important things.

Can these sorts of posts be removed / discouraged for the fediverse?

EDIT: I expected this to be downvoted a lot because whatever bots of a paid-for group is promoting inner-class violence across the instances wouldn’t want the ideologies they’re promoting to be challenged now would they.

    2 days ago

    Polarising of two or more subservient groups is excellent for people in power. If you create the us-them narrative they’ll be so busy arguing amongst themselves, they’ll have no eye for the ones affecting their misery and changing it.

    Now I’m not saying everyone should take to the streets and fight the government immediately, but bashing in your neighbours’s skulls because they drive Teslas and/or voted for Trump is not productive at all. Rather find some middle ground with them and see how to survive the coming four years.