For years, the internet has been shrinking. Not in size, not in data, but in ownership. A vast, decentralized network of personal blogs, forums, and independent communities has been corralled into a handful of paved prison yards controlled by a few massive corporations. Every post, every “friend,” every creative work—
like how the profit seeking stewards forced people to leave reddit and twitter (and bluesky in the future); the liberal bubble stewards have pushed lemmings away and onto the few minority instances that still remain federated and once lemmy’s code base is forked those minority instances will become a digital cuba or venezuela; ostracized and obscured leftist islands, but without a china or brics that could ever change this status quo.
You can’t solve what’s fundamentally a social problem with technology alone. Technology is simply a piece of the bigger picture where it can provide forums like this where genuine organic communication can happen without it being mediated by corporate interests. However, the shift in the Overton window is ultimately driven by the material conditions. As the standard of living continues to deteriorate in the west, more and more people end up falling out of liberal mainstream. We see this process happening at an ever accelerating rate now.