Often times, including this time for sure, changes like this are made after the review period specifically so that they’ll fly under the radar from press. But also, they may just be informing their readers who didn’t know the last several times Capcom has done this.
During the betas at least, it was mentioned in at least one of the interview/preview videos that you could adjust your character whenever before release but after release it would cost money. Not sure how accessible the information was but it wasn’t a total secret.
including this time for sure, changes like this are made after the review period
Could you clarify? As far as I can tell it was there when Wilds launched on PC.
Often times, including this time for sure, changes like this are made after the review period specifically so that they’ll fly under the radar from press. But also, they may just be informing their readers who didn’t know the last several times Capcom has done this.
During the betas at least, it was mentioned in at least one of the interview/preview videos that you could adjust your character whenever before release but after release it would cost money. Not sure how accessible the information was but it wasn’t a total secret.