Sacrifice every quality in your game for Engaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagement. What could go wrong. People will be so addicted to Green they will put up with any amount of Red. Maybe sell some Crossover Skins to make even more money on top of a Battle Pass, with Lootboxes!

    11 days ago

    Can we blame this on the engagement era? The first competitive game I got into was Unreal Tournament 2004, and it seemed like every team deathmatch had one or two players who were in a completely different league from everyone else so the result just depended on which team they were on. You can’t blame the matchmaking because it didn’t have any, you just picked a server to connect to and played with whoever was there.

    Edit to add: TDM was the main team game mode where this was a thing; modes with objectives, bigger teams, and vehicles all mitigated the effects of individual player skill.