Sacrifice every quality in your game for Engaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagement. What could go wrong. People will be so addicted to Green they will put up with any amount of Red. Maybe sell some Crossover Skins to make even more money on top of a Battle Pass, with Lootboxes!
I hear people say this but I’ve yet to see it, usually just toxic people calling the losing team bots
There are steam forum posts about this. this is a great example. Not sure if it’s still the same tho
Yeah after reading that I used to look at my match history and it seems like around 1 in 10 quick play matches were bot matches, I watched the replay of one and it was pretty obvious. No competitive matches at least
For now! I don’t care if you want to keep a ~50% win rate but don’t give people bots so they feel “better”
I’ve never once had to wait more than 5 seconds to start loading in to a match no matter what time of day or night it is. Literally no other game has ever done this. They’re prioritizing their time-to-game over having actual players in your match, and this definitely means filling slots with bots. How egregious it is will depend on the time and day and current online player count. But when I’m instantly loading a full game of 10 people at 3am on a Tuesday I know something’s fucky.
Other people have done actual research into the matter but I had my suspicions, just from playing the game, by the third day or so after release.
I play a lot of MR, got matched with bots twice and both times I had to lose 3-4 times in a row. I can not see how bots is a issue with the game.