Is that in relation to DHT? Never got quite into it, but if you’re using a tracker then I’d imagine the tracker would handle the peer2peer reverse NAT problem.
Yeah it does
Beats me. I get peers from DHT, from trackers, and a few from PEX, but once they’re in a lot of them time out. A lot of them return “Connection reset” too.
Happens a lot less when i set up port forwarding properly, but it still happens. Could be a lot of things, and i don’t have the technical knowledge to even know about most
I remember being able to use utorrent to host Minecraft servers somehow
Can you explain this? I have so many questions.
I think they mean uPnP
OK. I think I get it. So people enable uPnP on their routers and then open Minecraft’s port using uTorrent (or any other program that opens a port with uPnP). And they do all of that instead of just logging into their NAT routers. Honestly, sounds like something I would do before I knew networking concepts, though if it were explained to me it would be a million times more confusing than just learning how to configure NAT.
I was like… Under 15 at the time and didn’t have the admin password to the family wifi.
Honestly; pretty clever for a teen. Well done.