My desktop hard drives are maxing out & I’m seeking some type of external storage expansion for my PC which I run a Jellyfin server on. This would be for storing my torrent data and also working towards a 3-2-1 backup solution equivalent to about ~10-20Tbs of storage space, maybe more.
I’m leaning towards an enclosure type of setup with several ~10-12Tbs HDDs in it of which one would be removed after complete backup and stored offsite as part of the 3-2-1 strategy but I’m not sure. I’d need something very simple to work with as I’m not very Hardware-literate.
Also, I am finding it difficult to find a reliable Cloud service, again as part of the 3-2-1 scheme except maybe Filen which seems to have good reviews on TrustPilot
Any positive suggestions on how to store & access large amounts of data safely for a long period of time & appropriate hardware/software to do so would be most appreciated. Thanks!
Thanks Kindly!
Even S3 cold storage is expensive when you have tens of terabytes to backup. If you pay for a year or two of that, you could have bought more hard drives to back it up on.