Between rent and school payments, I am paying quite a lot over ACH and am wondering if there’s any way to also get some benefits back from these payments.
There are cards out there like the “Fold” card that will give back up to 1.5% in BTC for ACH transactions, but that’s contingent on you spending a lot on other transactions and the card also has a $100 annual fee.
I don’t care if the rewards are USD, BTC or booster packs of Pokémon cards. I’d just like something back from these transactions.
Yeah, but these are also sometimes a numbers game. For example, rewards credit cards can offer their rewards because they make more than what they are worth in interest + annually fees for the cards. It is possible to make this work for you if you never carry a balance on your card, and make back some amount > the annual fee.
You’re right though, these companies aren’t just giving money away for free. You have to be very strategic to make these things work in your favor.