Growing up I used to play aqworlds and it was super common in my online friend group at the time for everyone to host their own private servers on their own websites, once I got into the fediverse and webhosting again, I was reminded of it and it got me thinking how cool it would be to have a browser 2d mmo where people hosted their own servers.

Is there a game that implements activityhub at all? Like where server chat can be read and sent from something like mastodon.

I realize this is a stretch and something like this doesn’t make sense or exist, just curious.

    1 month ago

    I think the way to make it work is to have each instance represent a “world” and you only have stats and equipment within a world. Then when you cross over to another instance you are now subject to that instance’s ruleset.

    It wouldn’t be so much a federated MMO but more like a large variety of games connected geographically (in the virtual sense).