You just have to be faster than pressure
Just hold your nose while you breathe out. Balance out the outside pressure, no problem!
Convince your insides to not get to the outsides.
Amazing that science enables people without any concept of science to blab their stupidity to a world wide audience.
You should see what the politics people do!
Someone try to convince elmo he can do this, quick!
some oceangate level of thinking there
the people who got crushed by the pressure just weren’t trying hard enough
Is this the US motto or something?
Should’ve covered themselves in oil to repel the water duh
By god, you’re right anon. Let’s put some extra oxygen tanks in there and send a few more billionaires down. No further action required.
I hear that if you do that, you might even get a nice German car (Benz)!
Im 100% positive you would not get the bends had you been able to open the hatch that far beneath the surface of the water.
I was more talking about the ascent, but you’re right that you’d die from the pressure before you could try.
My only question is with the depressurization would your body turned to mist ascend or descend?
Marine snow
How do you open a hatch from the inside that was bolted shut from the outside?
If it crushed the hull how he gonna open the hatch even if it was bolted from then inside?
Then once he’s out how his body gonna be stronger against pressure than the sub hull??
I don’t think that’s the main problem in this situation
Also why the fuck is this a YouTube kids video
why the fuck is this a YouTube kids video
YT did something stupid and basically made videos “for kids” by default, because they get a LOT of views from 2-5 year olds, using their parent’s devices. YT Autoplay is a physically safe way to get a toddler to be quiet and still for 30-45 minutes.
Be built different, clearly.
But then they might end up getting
Water is slightly compressible, and so are thick steel springs. Now imagine each vertical column of the ocean as a kilometers-tall spring. The top wire loops’ weight compresses the bottom loops with great force but there is no way this compression can be released because these columns are tightly packed inside the steel ocean’s volume and in every location at a specific depth there is the same pressure from the weight above. Unless… someone makes a hollow ball with atmospheric pressure inside and spirals down a spring, bearing the pressure difference between its inside and the loops of spring it’s wedged between… and then cracks.
All I could have wished for was for them to become a beautiful song in the water, but they went out with a single horrid clap.
A rare 4chan theist