Unnecessary and deeply concerning bow to the new “king”
Update: position got backed up by an official Proton post on Mastodon, it’s an official Proton statement now. https://mastodon.social/@protonprivacy/113833073219145503
Update 2, plot-twist: they removed this response from Mastodon - seems they realize it exploded into their face!
Why is it a bad thing that the company I’m supposed to trust to keep my information and communication safe and secure is a boot licker for the incoming fascist asshole and his possy?
Because the main guy seems to like policies and isnt throwing up a red carpet for people to walk into the data centers?
Trump has never been honest about any of his intentions through his whole life. Proton isn’t even based in the US, so how would the US even subpoena them in the first place. The CEO’s statements make no sense.
They didn’t need subpoena, or any other “legal” means if the ones in control are complicit.
That’s aside from the point I was making. Some people might be thinking that Proton is cozying up to Trump to avoid getting unfavorable treatment from his admin and they don’t really like him, but they’re out of Trump’s reach, so that can’t be the motivator.
No matter what angle, Andy Yen is just dumb.
People that Trump hates use proton as an end-run around the actions of trump’s cult.
proton has complied with majority of govt requests for info for years
That has usually just been data about where and when the account was created