This is a genuine question.

I have a hard time with this. My righteous side wants him to face an appropriate sentence, but my pessimistic side thinks this might have set a great example for CEOs to always maintain a level of humanity or face unforseen consequences.

P.S. this topic is highly controversial and I want actual opinions so let’s be civil.

And if you’re a mod, delete this if the post is inappropriate or if it gets too heated.

    3 months ago

    people who think premeditated homicide can be justified

    This is, evidently, a common mainstream view. If we lived in a world where the legal system actually worked and was a viable option for dealing with them non-violently, perhaps this view wouldn’t be popular, but the working class can’t afford to pretend the system is fair. Just like citizens defending against a military invasion, sometimes homicide is the only effective action left to try.