I haven’t played since shortly after it went f2p. It was the best single player MMO I ever played.
It was kinda like having KOtOR 3 but with multiple storylines, obviously some quest lines are shared but I think it’s worth playing through a few characters.
Meh, I think it’s severely held back on account of being an MMO. Like most MMOs it’s 99% facade and 1% substance. What little character development there was got toned down over time to the point where the only real choice left is the subclass selection. And while it’s cool that you have different storylines, they are extremely railroady.
But of course it’s cool that the game is still around, I guess I just don’t like MMOs.
I’m with you. SWTOR and ESO are the only MMOs I’ve spent multiple hours playing (which isn’t much at like 12 hours-ish in each); I just like the IPs and wish they could do well with more single player stuff.
Unrelated, but I hate when people use percentages like that. You are welcome for my unsolicited opinion
I got halfway through my 4th or 5th character before I stopped caring. So many classes were way to basic.
Jedi Knight and sith Warrior were so good. Bounty Hunter one was pretty neat as well.
Played the Bounty Hunter storyline and I was really impressed with all the storytelling!
Why is this a MMO?
It’s depressing how much story is in this game, and you have to lug though the nonstop MMO BS to enjoy it.
Because EA wanted bioware to make an mmo, but bioware wanted to make kotor 3
This was one of the first games I followed the development for. I was super pumped because I loved Star Wars in general and Knights of the Old Republic in particular. I even got the deluxe pre-order.
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get into it at the time, probably because at that point I was pretty sick MMO quest structure after several years of playing WoW.
I’ve always thought of returning, mostly to experience the stores, but I’ve just never found the space in my life for the time commitment.
I tried to finish out a Trooper storyline I stopped basically at the finish line like five years later and couldn’t even figure out where to go so I just quit again.
I haven’t played SWTOR since the end of the Valkorion storyline (so well before the major class revamp), but starting thinking about checking out again recently. This update seems like a nice timing to revisit
I can’t stand that old-school WoW combat system any longer. It’s so clunky.
The same way the Resident Evil remakes removed tank movement of the clessics, I want a KoTOR remake that makes this game be more action-y like all the modern online games.