Mi queso es su queso
Mi queso es su queso
Fun fact: Australia is wider than the diameter of the moon.
No, it’s definitely “Tomato Tomato”
I remember hearing that the brain technically does prune neurons. Source: no idea and am too lazy to fact check
Specifically in games: constantly repeating the flavor of the month insults. Typically some influencer comes up with a funny insult then for the rest of the month some kids use that one singular insult for every situation
Same goes for any distro though. For nix it’s just all in the same place.
I don’t recall where I heard this advice but someone once told me that when he’s in this situation he asks his SO “do you want solutions or to vent?” Probably doesn’t work for everyone but I liked the idea
As a belgian, America having some of the best beer sounds like cope to me when belgium, germany, czechia exist