My friend sent me this, the current state of Reddit. (I left during the app issue and haven’t looked back)
That’ll be $49.99, pal.
Don’t call me pal. But you know what friend? I think it would be hilarious if this image started getting used ironically.
I’m not your friend buddy
God… I can barely remember the time before the top comment threads of every goddamned post were always lazy strings of circle-jerky jokes that you could predict before even clicking into the thread.
I could barely remember too, then I took an arrow to the knee!
Something something narwhal bacon
I too choose this narwhal’s dead bacon
Wow, epic! I rate this comment 5/7 with rice! You’ve won the internet for today, my friend! I’ll pet my heckin chonky pupperino in your honor! You’re breathtaking!
This is better than that time my arms were broken and my mom took care of me (don’t worry, we’re not from Alabama! LOL 😂)