I assure you, we also use 3D techniques in Canada.
With our freeze thaw cycle… I’m sure it’s much, much worse than Great Britain.
Same down here in New England. We have a bunch of granite boulders waiting to move and drop a big cavity too.
Digging fence post holes here is ridiculous. You get maybe 1 in 20 that doesn’t have a 20-80lb rock partly in the way. It’s why we hav so many miles of rock walls in the woods from 200+ years ago.
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Try driving in Canada in the winter. They’re in 4d at this point
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I like the parts of Canada where we don’t plow. Just toss a bit of sand on it and drive over top of it until it melts in the spring. Kinda works in like a “lowered expectations” way.
I’ve seen roads in Finland where they’d basically rake the road like a skiing piste. If you just leave it, it’ll turn to ice eventually, and with several centimetres of rock hard ice the only traction is from making the ice uneven.
Me, descendant of Finns: I need to return to the Motherland, this America thing seems like it’s going down hard
Me seeing comments like this: Oh, nvm, I’d rather do a civil war.
Snowpack is really nice to drive on, you just have to slow down a little. it’s way better than the fucking corrosive salt brine they use so morons can keep driving 80mph in a blizzard here. Not to mention what dumping all that sulfurs and magnesium chloride into our lakes and rivers is probably doing to us.
Trust me. The potholes in Canada are real too.
It’s like the surface of the fucking moon sometimes
I’ve lived in Canada my whole life, and I’ve never seen a road so well kept that it needed pothole stickers.
I visited South Korea and drove while I was there, they had loads of fake speed bumps where they were just painted on but had no actual bump. Definitely made you slow down if you didn’t know the area.
They also had lots of poles with flashing blue and red lights, so you thought there were cops ahead until you got close enough to realise it was just a pole.
The place is playing full-on psychic warfare on the roads.
Speed bump stickers make sense, but fake potholes are a terrible idea as they’ll get people to swerve around them to avoid wrecking their car. It sounds stupidly dangerous.
Imagine you thought that the 3rd one was another fake, but it was real one. Car got almost destroyed.
Anything to perpetuate our reliance on single occupancy vehicles!
Wonder how many idiots that weren’t paying attention have swerved to avoid them…
This was my first thought. Hey! Let’s freak out the people who are already driving recklessly. Nothing bad could possibly happen if we do that.
About as many as days eroded the sticker, making it useless?
India: You guys are slowing down for potholes?
This is dumb as shit because canadian winters are much more harsh than UK. Asphalt degrades faster in harsher winters. Doubt they’re hitting -50C in the middle of January
Don’t underestimate just how badly we Brits maintain the roads.
The whole country is a patchwork mess.
My local MP came around yesterday to brag that he and the local Tory councillor have made plans to fix a pothole nearby.
The bar is so low it’s below the floor.
The entire providence of Saskatchewan would like to have a word with you
In a lot of places we don’t even use real asphalt, don’t need to wait til winter because the damn rain washes out all the patches and then goes back to making things worse.
This has me wondering. Every country thinks they have the worst pot holes. Is there anywhere where the people are like “yes our roads are excellent actually”
Yes, and we like our secrets. Stay away.
Wouldn’t say perfect, but compared to what’s south of us it defo feels that way
I have the experience (two decades ago, mind you) of driving my car all the way from Portugal to The Netherlands and you could tell when you crossed from Belgium to The Netherlands by the sudden massive improvement of the road.
Mind you, you could also tell when you crossed from France to Belgium by the sudden large fall in the quality of the road, though the difference wasn’t quite as shocking as in the Dutch side.
any country has bad potholes on road few people use.
Don’t think i’ve seen a pothole here in my life.
I spend a couple weeks in Japan. Visited dozens of cities. Didn’t see one pothole. Granted I’m sure they have em out in the countryside but didn’t see one in the tonkyo greater Metropolitan area.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this same meme but with the countries changed.
Same images and everything.
It’s a bandwidth and resource waste: electronic, mental, temporal.
Block user, move on.
Here’s a revolutionary idea: speed bumps.
Or design roads that feel like you should be going slower. Trees, narrower lanes, more walking/biking infrastructure all help people naturally slow down. Big open stretches like pictured with the stickers don’t feel like there is a reason to be going slow so people don’t
There’s speed bumps where I live. There’s also a fuckton of potholes and there having to pave a mile of road which will take months.
Can be a bit too much
In my area I have speed bumps with potholes
In Florida, we use Canadian drivers to slow traffic.
I feel like this is more likely to cause damage to cars, because now people will think real potholes are just stickers
Or people get into accidents trying to avoid potholes.
Man that made me think if a city just covered a pothole with a street sticker. Somebody just cruising along and then cathunk