doesn’t seem like it was all that popular game to begin with, so all things considered the number of affected users is likely to be like, 10 at best? And some of those are likely affiliated with the dev/publisher anyway.
But it sucks that these things still can get through the sieve to begin with :/
There’s no perfect detection, unfortunately.
There is a reply in that thread mentioning grammar errors in the email which I’m not seeing. Could someone who knows English better than I explain what is wrong in that email? Or is it about grammatically wrong sentence structure?
Grammar’s fine. Sentence structure in the third paragraph (the largest one) is a bit clumsy I guess. Maybe there’s a quibble about semantics in “you may also consider fully reformatting your operating system” - you reformat a drive and reinstall an OS. But grammar all seems fine IMO. I am a native speaker, I’ve certainly seen worse from my fellow countrymen.
“you may also consider fully reformatting your operating system”
Could be for the layman who does not understand the difference between OS and drive. Remember not everyone using steam actually knows how their pc works or even what is inside of it
I don’t think you’re really helping laymen by using off-kilter terminology. It’s way more confusing if they go to find more information and stumble across other people using it properly.
I get where you are coming from. This will let 1 set of users know to call their tech friend and the 2nd set will be ready to learn a bit and will learn the adult words vs the eli5 one they started with
Thanks for pitching in! Okay so I don’t need to be too insecure, whew
I’m not a native speaker either, but I see maybe one minor mistake. I think that person is overreacting, or maybe just doesn’t actually know English grammar that well.
Thanks for making me feel better lol, I was going crazy thinking it’s riddled with grammar mistakes and I just don’t see them.