Kewbit, if you look at my previous response, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and encouraged you to get an emotionally intelligent friend to tell your side of the story. If this is the response, it’s clear that whether or not you were sincere about completing Haveno mobile and whether or not you wished to scam, you’re far too petty an immature to work on the CSS, so the CSS was correct in its decision to close the CSS. It is a pity since Haveno mobile is a much needed part of the XMR ecosystem and I hope someone completes it.
As for BasicSwapDEX, the code is finicky and is difficult to install but it does what it says it does. It needs a lot of improving for the newbie to get right but it does work and it does have liquidity. I’d say it’s about six months away from being as competitive as Haveno, and its potential for automation makes it a worthy part of the XMR ecosystem. If BasicSwapDEX mobile could ever be developed, it would be even more competitive.
What are you trying to say/convey?
if it’s not just my client, but there’s actually no text or links in the post, then kewbit probably wants to cancel competitors for whatever reason
He’s got 2 articles about how none of the accusations are true. He just couldn’t figure out how to link them in here, just like he can’t figure out how to release the source code he supposedly has so he can get paid.
Here’s his drivel if you want to read it
I say, ditch sunk cost fallacy and call this a 75 XMR lesson. Nobody needs to trifle with this guy any longer.