I find this hilarious. Is this an easter egg? When shaking my mouse cursor, I can get it to take up the whole screens height.
This is KDE Plasma 6.
Its not really an easter egg as far as I can tell. From what I understand it’s used to find the curser easily, similar to wjndows’ control-to-find. It is a bit comical to how big it gets thigh
It is a bit comical to how big it gets thigh
That’s the bit the OP was wondering about. Not the feature itself, but the fact that it’s apparently uncapped in terms of maximum size
"What? This motherfucker still cant see me? "
That’s a very Linuxy thing to do. The devs allow you to do whatever you want. If you want to have several 4K displays and find your cursor by shaking it, go right ahead. If you want to cover the entire display with a massive cursor, be my guest.
Microsoft and Apple seem to love limitations, whereas FOSS devs want to give users the freedom they deserve. Besides, there’s a valid use case for many things that would seem completely absurd to you and me. The devs can’t know what kind of weird situations the user have, so “sensible limits“ would only end up being infuriating.
This answer is probably better directed to the OP!
That’s fair, I guess I read that a little wrong
It’s by design as mentioned in this bug report.
There is a hidden config to cap the over magnification on shake
[Effect-shakecursor] OverMagnification=0
What does “the cursor becomes bigger only once” even mean?
I think on Mac os when you shake the cursor, it amimates to a big size and then back down to normal just once. I guess that’s what they mean? (Haven’t used Mac os in quite some time though so I might be wrong)
Probably UINT32_MAX
How do you get it to shrink
Think about unpleasant things and mood killers.
Nice Lol.
Once you hold it still for a second or two it returns to normal
Thank you
I found it effective to think back to this time in high school bio where we had to dissect a frog. Gnarly and absolutely reeked of formaldehyde.
That would work
When I’m waiting for a long loading screen I’ll often just shake the cursor while I wait and see how big I can get it.
It’s the modern answer to office toys.
That’s what she said…?
Oh, there it is.
My favorite thing to do while waiting for a game to load.
Also a clever way to react to the usual “where the fuck is the mouse” action people take which is to just shake the shit out of it till they see it. Love it.
I love this stupid fact… And that I’ve been shaking my mouse for a minute. I hope my wife doesn’t walk in on me…
Yeah I noticed that. I have a tendency to wave the cursor at something going “And then what’s this over here in this area?” and it’ll make the cursor grow, because I accidentally activate the Where’s The Mouse feature, and then I noticed that sometimes it would grow to slightly different sizes, so…yeah if you keep shaking it it just keeps getting bigger. I can’t seem to get it big enough to span my 1440p monitor’s height, but it will span my 1080p monitor’s height.
I got to the point it covered like 80% of my 1440p display
The first time it happened to me, I was shocked. Now I am just entertained
Sometimes it’s really hard to find